Indian project Interview, Part 2

Part II.

Q. Indian Project is stocked across the globe in the USA, Australia, Israel, and many places in Europe. How do you strike the right balance between growing your brand and keeping its intrinsic values?

Our main goal is to do quality not quantity and also to keep a friendly and creative relationship with the shops that do present our collections.

Yes, you can find our stuff in some locations worldwide, but still, it’s not that big. So, we can supervise what we do and how we do it. We don't want to change our fundamentals to get more profit.

As we are working day-to-day to oversee quality and every detail of the production process, it's important for us to stay in a correct growing compromise. We agree to do a bit more production to grow and expand our label, but always with a decent understanding of our capacity production. We remain attached to “human work” or “family factory”. We are not robots and don’t want to become a massive brand, dealing with tons of factories to achieve tons of production.

Q. Indian Project stays true to its Goa roots. How do you avoid over-commercialization of your brand and vision as you expand and grow in popularity?

People have different points of view regarding the way they grow. We prefer to stay at a level that we can still provide quality new designs and also still be in love and proud of what we are creating. Some lose this goal by their wish to be big. They forget and the spirit and money become their only purpose. We are not following this path. As an example, we could tell you we choose the people we are producing for. Even if we could earn more by producing more, we just choose not to go that way. We try to sustain the psytrance community with honesty and integrity, avoiding speaking too much about business as much as possible! We have of course to earn money to make the wheel turn, but we like to stay true to our ethics and our codes that are: “quality not quantity, a friendly and creative working relationship, not changing or dealing with our fundamentals to get more profit.”


Q. We read your work with a number of family tailors. Tell us a bit more about the people behind your brand.

Our main master tailor, Jhenter, is really the central guy of our family factory. We have a really good connection with him. He’s our technical eyes and in charge of developing and making the patterns, then cutting all the fabric pieces for perfect stitching. It is a very important stage to achieve perfect production. He’s also in charge of the global organization of the factory and human resources, like he’s taking care of the tailors’ work needs, but also their social lives. Besides his tailoring skills, like our Swiss Army Knife, if you see what I mean « laughs » … We even went a few times to spend holidays in his hometown in Nepal for the off-season. We also know many of the other tailors that are part of our team. It is a “Family Partnership.” They are all Nepalese. It’s kind of an add-on value when we talk about tailoring in India as Nepalese are quite skilled. We learn from them not only about work but also about life! « smile »

Q. If you had to pick just one design from your collection, what is your favorite?


“Alternative” for the long pants

“Doof” for the short ones.

Q. What design do you like to wear?

"AWAKKE" pants for the long pants that are a remix of our bestseller “Alternative” and “Freaky” in the quarter.

Q. What makes your cargo pants unique, different from other models?

Indian Project is made by original designs mixed between utility, aesthetic, and a search for quality.

The concept of “original” is fitting the idea of “unique”. So for that side, as an example, we design and produce our own homemade zipper pullers that give a unique touch to our lines. We don't go classic for that aspect.

People will say, “Hey! Come on, it’s only the details. Why do you bother yourself and spend so much time on that aspect?” Yep, that is the thing, “details!” Some say, “The devil is in the details…” So, don't look at it too close. Don't go that way… At Indian Project, we don’t believe that.

We think God (whatever is yours) or the “Source” or “Universe” … Again, up to you, what you call the “All” with your own name, but, thing is, that for us, the “All” is especially hidden in the details.

The “details” really make you specific and very unique! The details make life so rich and diverse. So, enjoy details in everything guys, it’s a must «laughs» You can then immediately recognize Indian Project pants with some of the details that are ours now… Zipper, touch as I said, but some other specific unique things like our special satin fabrics embroideries, our add-ons accessories like repeats, buttons, and deco stitching that you can find on each of our clothes, or our minimal graphic printed patches you get on some of our lines.

We also have a strong multi-pockets style and even some secret pockets to hide your stuff if needed. We think that all this makes our line “unique” and fully recognizable in its kind.

Q. How do you give back to the environment or incorporate sustainable fashion in your collection?

Indian Project gives back to the environment as much as possible.

We use recycled and pure cotton fabrics, avoiding wastes, and not using toxic chemicals for the colors. We try our best in that matter, even though we have to agree that producing clothes in India without any impact on nature is quite an impossible mission.

The fashion industry, especially in India, has a lot to do to improve on that matter. In our way, as we stay on a small and controlled range production, I guess we don't impact that much mother earth. We wish and aim that one day every step of our products will be fully organic.

Photo by @wielochmedia 

Check out our Indian Project Collection the the Trancentral trance shop.

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