2020 has been a year of surprises: good and bad. Some of us have saved a lot of cash this year, thanks to COVID-19. On the other hand, we’ve really missed catching up with all our EDM rave friends. We’re hoping 2021 will bring good news, but with a little planning you can make sure you bring the EDM raves to you, no matter what. We’ve taken the best tips from the reddit community group, Its /r/aves!.
Here’s a round up of the best advice from ravers like you.
Rave cave art
You’ve heard of a man cave, right? Thanks to COVID-19, some of us were forced to create our own rave cave. No cave is complete without a stunning piece of rave cave art. This reddit user’s friend created an amazing piece of art, which fires a laser and lights up when music is playing. Everyone needs a piece of rave art, right?
Tips: For more rave art and rave cave ideas, see this Pinterest board.
Let there be light! Invest in a rave cave lighting system...
You might already have a makeshift lighting system set up, but with all the money you’ve saved this year staying at home, it’s time to invest in professional stage lighting. Sumger’s Professional DMX512 LED Stage Light comes highly recommended and is available on Amazon.com. Although it's a little pricey, reddit users say it’s definitely worth it. If you’re setting up a rave cave from scratch, this tutorial from YouTube EDM Now is a good starting point. Reddit is full of home rave setups like this one to give you plenty of inspiration.
Tip: Because Phillips is a derisive subject among the EDM dance community, check out this alternative video.

Rave coffee table reading
Find the perfect title for your coffee table and inspire you in those dull moments at home or a gift for your festival friends, when they're feeling extra blue, because all the raves are canceled.
Tip: We love this vintage title, Rave Art, which will add color to any living room.
Bike raves
It’s clear with travel restrictions, people are getting pretty creative. EDMTunes posted this video of a moving bike rave in June. Beware, fines and noise pollution are obstacles, when organizing your very own bike rave. Best to follow your local rules and keep groups small with tips from this cycling-ravers reddit post. It’s all about the details.
Tip: Find the perfect rave footwear for your first bike rave.
Drive-in Raves & Rave Vans
Drive-in festivals may be the future of the EDM dance scene (at least for the moment). Rave vans are making a come back. Do you remember VICE’s article a few years back about Tom Hunter? Thanks to the first drive-in rave being announced in the UK and a long list of drive-in events in the US, you might be seeing more rave vans near you soon.
Tip: With all this extra time, you can start making your own rave van.
Want more quarantine rave ideas?
Check out our article, 5 Ways to Psytrance Rave at Home here.